recounts the story of Will Barton, a middle-aged aerospace industry dropout who unexpectedly meets a new friend and soon finds himself
desperately attempting to avert an interplanetary war. The incidents related in Mikiria take place within the space of a
few brief months but are deeply rooted in the tragic events of a half-century earlier, and whose repercussions relentlessly disrupt the
lives of all concerned. Ultimate disaster looms as integrity and self-sacrifice are pitted against an idealism that threatens to destroy three planets.
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The Three Minds.
Rebuilding a planet is no small undertaking, and big jobs can take a lot out of you. However, there are
times when it just doesn't pay to take a vacation, and nineteen ninety-nine definitely proves to be one of
them. Between snipers, flak, and insurrections you can get so aggravated that you just want to start
throwing large--well, very large objects...
Sequel to Mikiria, The Three Minds is the second book in the Twin Planets series.
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When we last left our heroes--um, why are we in the middle of the Mojave Desert? And who is this high school girl, and
why is she camping out alone? And--isn't that the Futaba landing on top of her?! And just what does any of this have
to do with Senaria? For the answers to these and other questions of cosmic import you'll just have to start reading Senaria, now
at long last online.
Sequel to The Three Minds, Senaria is the third book in the Twin Planets series.
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