Working with Text: Formatting Tags
<H2>Working with Text: Formatting Tags</H2>
<H1 ALIGN="CENTER">My centered heading</H1>
This is more or less the same page that we worked at last month, but now some words
have been <B>bolded</B> and some <I>italicized</I> using the new tags we looked at
in this month's article.<P>
<I>Text is very easy to handle in HTML,</I> as long as you don't try to include special
formatting characters inserted by word processors (such as <B>bolding</B> information,
etc.) which comes out in the form of garbage characters when viewed in a Web
This is the beginning of a second paragraph. Unlike last month's example, this time
there is a break between paragraphs, done by inserting two BReak tags. Since HTML
ignores things like carriage returns in your HTML code, it's necessary to include
a BReak tag if you want a line break in a certain spot, or two BReak tags if you
also want a blank line after the paragraph break.<BR><BR>
The headings at the top of the page illustrate the use of the Heading tag, including
the "CENTER" attribute. Now <A HREF="980202.html">view the code for this page</A>.