
Pennsylvania [Penn Central]
Youngstown, Ohio
July 30, 1970

Unlike the Baltimore & Ohio or the Erie, which took relatively direct routes through Youngstown, Ohio, the Pennsylvania's Erie & Ashtabula Branch threaded its way through town along the winding course of the Mahoning River. Here it crosses under the Mahoning Avenue Bridge on the east side of Youngstown, on its way to Niles and Warren. To the right is the Erie's secondary line through town via its freight facility near the Wick Avenue Bridge, connecting steel mills at Brier Hill with Haselton Yard. The empty space between the two lines was at one time occupied by the Baltimore & Ohio's own branch, also from Girard to Haselton Yard, by now gone. The highway bridge in the distance is Marshall Street, which then crossed the Mahoning River on the bridge at far right.

This page posted 11/1/2017. Text and photo ©2017 Lamont Downs.