Pennsylvania [Penn Central]
Warren, Pennsylvania
July 22, 1970

Warren, Pennsylvania was at one time an important rail center for northwest Pennsylvania, with the Pennsylvania's Philadelphia & Erie line between Lake Erie and Harrisburg joining lines to Rochester, New York, Bradford, Pennsylvania (and the associated narrow gauge network), and Oil City. The New York Central also got into the action with a line from Dunkirk, New York to the oil fields at Titusville, Pennsylvania.

By the time of this photo the line to Rochester was gone (submerged under the waters of the Allegheny Reservoir), as was most of the line to Oil City. This shot was probably taken from the U.S. Route 6/62 (now Pennsylvania Ave.) grade crossing; no trace of the station exists today. Ironically the track is actually in much better condition now (2019) than at the time the slide was taken.

This page posted 3/1/2019. Text and photo ©2019 Lamont Downs.