New York Central [Penn Central]
Youngstown, Ohio (NYC Station)
July 30, 1970

Well-known is the fact that the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie ran a joint Pittsburgh-Cleveland passenger service in cooperation with the Erie, and which stopped at the Erie's downtown Youngstown, Ohio station. Less well known is this station on the New York Central, located at the intersection of Youngstown's Wilson Ave. and Himrod Ave., which hosted a joint P&LE/New York Central service between Pittsburgh and Buffalo, New York via Ashtabula, using the Central's passenger line via Andover and Jefferson, Ohio. At one time (1943) as many as six trains a day stopped here, but passenger service was discontinued completely in 1963 and the station boarded up, as seen here from the Wilson Ave. bridge. Today no trace remains.

This page posted 2/1/2018. Text and photo ©2018 Lamont Downs.